I am Fiona Cheung, CEO and Founder of Virtual Site.
Growing up in Hong Kong construction was around every corner. Fenced off and mysterious keeping me wondering what exactly goes on behind those gates? So, when it was time to choose my course preferences in my final year of high school, construction was it. I wanted to know more, and so I told my dad.
Dad’s reaction was somewhat taken back. He took a long look at me, and asked, “Why?” “Well, it’s about buildings! From nothing to something that people can live in… and you get to go on constructions sites…” I replied - the last part in a quiet voice. “Construction is not a place for girls. Climbing up and down…” He was not convinced but he didn’t stop me either. The only thing he insisted was to include more conventional options such as business and accounting as my second/third preference. I received an offer to study real estate and construction and the rest is history.
Now, 20 years on, what has changed? Look around, construction sites are still fenced off and the first impression of construction for most is dust, noise and roadwork. The industry is often perceived negatively. Construction is not the industry girls consider for a career. I want to change this!
I want to show how construction works, what it is all about, and who these people are that make the magic happen. I want to demystify the construction industry and provide opportunities for people to experience and understand the industry safely and equitably.
There is a pressing need to make construction professions more transparent and to build awareness of the industry in high school students and the community. The question is how do we capture their interest and raise their awareness for career options in the industry? An idea emerged – what is a better way to describe and explain working on a construction site than to allow one to experience it? No textbook, no video, no talks, but real experience.
Virtual Site develops technology that provides an open world based on 360º videos to offer this powerful and insightful experience. No game, no render, but actually being there. Our tools showcase diverse roles and projects, which will demystify the working environment on a construction site.
Imagine you can ‘access’ construction sites, in the comfort of home or school, to see the daily activities and watch interactions unfold around you. I want to ignite curiosity in people and want them to walk away with excitement and wanting to find out more.
Let me take you on a journey. A journey of exploration, learning and excitement!